1. Bring Your Own Video
If you already have a promotional video about your company that you'd like to use, we'll publish it for FREE!
2. We'll Create One For You
This 30 - 60 second video ad uses one of your favorite 5-star customer reviews to introduce your company to new prospects.

And Get This Free Bonus! ($40 value)

Maybe you've seen them and wondered what they are. They are special bar codes called QR (quick response) codes, and we'll add one to the end of your video ad.

People watching your video ad can scan it using the camera on their smartphones or tablets. When they do, they'll be sent automatically to your company's website or to any special landing page that you designate.

This QR code bridges the gap for viewers who just watched your ad on their TV and now want to visit your website online for more information or to engage with you.
Scanning this QR code will re-direct your browser to the SABJ.TV website.
Try it - scan me!


How our ads are different.

Our special 5-star reputation ad introduces your company to new prospects who may not have heard of you before. It's a powerful message that converts well.

Will my video appear on both Roku & Amazon Fire TV?

Yes, Roku and Amazon Fire TV are the two most popular online streaming services with almost 150 million viewers, and the San Antonio Business Guide TV channel app is carried on both.

How long will my video ad be published?

Your video ad will run on the channel for a full year and can be renewed annually.

Can I use a video I've already published on YouTube?

Sure. We want to make this easy and cost-effective so all types of businesses can take advantage of this offer. If you already have a video, we'll publish it for you!